Thursday, September 8, 2011

Class of '10/11

The dissertation's done and gone. For the final week of August I've been grasping precious moments with my friends before we all go our separate ways. A year is too short to enjoy close friendships, but it was fun while it lasted.

I've had enough hangovers, ice cream, dancing and delicious meals out to sustain me for a while! No more library trips, but the library breaks were the best fun. I vow never to consume another mars slice again, I'll always associate with those extended lunch hours.

Here's a few brief snapshots of the heady few weeks. It had its own unique highs and lows but its made me appreciate my friends more than ever and now i have many more new countries to send mixtapes and babbling letters to!

Thank you Jess, Katie, Allan, Poi, Nenagh, Cody, Hope, Darren, Claire, Stephen, Hannah & Hannah!

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